Interview Preparation

You will have been sent an interview confirmation email or letter from your contact at 100%. It will contain full details regarding the position, link to the company web site and the interviewers name and position. If for any reason you have not received this email or letter, please contact your Recruitment Consultant for a copy.
Get to know the company you are applying for. Your Consultant at 100% will be able to give you a good overview, but it is vital that you visit the client’s web site.
- What do they do?
- What are their core products?
- How long have they been trading and how many members of staff do they have?
- 90% of interviewers will ask what you know about their organisation. Not being prepared with an accurate and concise answer can be extremely costly to your chances of securing the position.
Get to know the Vacancy you are applying for. Do you know the exact nature of the position, technologies involved location etc? Again, the more you know, the better you will look on interview and the more you know, the more confident you will feel!
Presentation. Of course first impressions are essential. The way you look when you walk in the door really sets the scene.
- Always wear a suit – have it dry cleaned, pressed and looking crisp!
- Sensible tie – no cartoon characters or comedy attempts!
- Polish your shoes – it reflects on your attention to detail!
- Unless you have a beard – be clean shaven!
- Remove any excessive jewellery that may detract from a professional image!
Get to know your CV. The interviewer will invariably want to talk through your CV, sometimes in job order, technologies mentioned, reasons for leaving or experiences you have had. It is therefore vital that you are clear about what your CV says and are able to talk fluently through it and refer to specific details.
Have some questions ready for the interviewer. All experienced interviewers, at the end of an interview will ask you if you have any questions. Often, they have covered everything perfectly well, but it is really important that you do ask questions. It shows that you are alert, interested and thorough. But this is also your chance to find out any details you need in order to make your decision as to whether or not this is the right job for you; so give this some thought. Avoid questions about salary, what type of car and benefits if possible; you don’t want to come across as solely money motivated! Your consultant will get all these details for you!
Focus on positives such as:-
- Where do you see the company heading in the next 5 years?
- Can you tell me a little more about the Software I will be supporting?
- Which geographical area will I be covering?
- What size team will I be working in?
Check your route. How are you getting to the interview? What trains do I take? If travelling by car, what route will I take, do I have enough petrol? Check the route on If at all possible, do a trial run. See exactly where they are and what the route is like.
Gather together any supporting information you may need – driving licence, certificates, references etc. Take them in a smart folder or case – look professional and prepared.
The Interview

So the big day is here! You are bound to be nervous, but if you have done your preparation, you will be surprised at how much better and more confident you feel.
- Arrive promptly! Not too early and certainly not late! Aim to be in the reception area 10 minutes before the interview time. Allow plenty of time to get there in case of bad traffic or delays, but do not go in any earlier than 10 minutes before the interview time – it looks as bad as being late!
- Should the worst happen and you do find yourself running late. Don’t panic. If you’ve left in plenty of time and still been seriously held up, people will understand. Phone your Consultant at 100% immediately to let them know. You could also phone the interviewer direct and apologise giving them the reason and your estimated time of arrival. Keep people informed and this will not be the end of your chance!
- Once you are called into the interview, greet the interviewer with a firm handshake, pleasant smile and wait to be offered a seat. If it’s hot and you need to remove your jacket, ask politely first.
- Throughout the interview, make sure you listen carefully to the interviewer, don’t butt in, and answer questions carefully and truthfully.
- Close the interview. At the end of the interview, and once you have asked your questions, Close the interview. This simply means, telling the client that you like what you have seen and that you are still very interested in the position.”Thank you for your time with me today, I really like the look of the company and feel that I am right for this position. I would welcome the opportunity of joining you” or “Thank you for your time today, I am really keen on this position. Do you think that I am the right person for the position or is there anything I have said that has left you with any doubts?” If there is anything, this gives you the chance to go back over the point and clear up any doubts.
- At the end of the interview, leave with a firm handshake, and thank the interviewer for their time.
Some Dont’s
Avoid bad mouthing your current or previous employer. They may well have let you down or angered you, but when giving reasons for leaving etc, make sure they are constructive and not aggressive or damning. (this is one of the most frequent reasons for rejection!)
Never swear even if the interviewer does! Some interviewers get very relaxed and casual. Remember though, you are constantly being appraised so keep professional at all times and avoid becoming too familiar!
After the Interview
- Phone your Consultant at 100% IT Recruitment Ltd. They will be sitting there with their fingers crossed so let them know how you got on as soon as you can. This will enable them to go back to the client and hopefully secure you a second interview or perhaps an offer!
- If you have been given an application form, or asked to send anything back to the client. Do it straight away whilst it’s fresh in your mind. It also makes you seem on the ball, and enthusiastic about the position.
- Stay in regular touch with your consultant at 100% for feedback and to ascertain the next step in your application! or to discuss any of these points in more detail, please contact your Consultant from 100% IT Recruitment Ltd.