When a company comes to us with a vacancy, for example an IT Manager role and they announce they are working with more than 3 agencies, we do not take the assignment. It doesn’t matter how good we are, there is a pool of candidates that will be bombarded with calls from multiple agencies and it’s who gets their first. The race is on, quality can wait – just get that CV over. The result; you get a poor service and poorly matched candidates and the job seekers get fed up of being called every 5 minutes about the same job. The reputation of the company can be tarnished as IT personnel hear about the same job it can come across as a difficult to fill role and give off an air of desperation On the flip-side, when a recruiter is given an exclusive vacancy, they are going to spend their time and concentrate their efforts and it will be a diamond in the rough to anyone who is called about it.
The exclusive position, providing the salary is right, the skill sets are realistic and you as the customer are in the position to move forward, then you have the agencies full and undivided attention:
We can then build a strong relationship with you, the customer. The better the communication with you, the better the understanding and the better the results. Everyone feels more valued – you, us and the candidates.
Someone once said to me that for a recruiter, working a position against multiple agencies is like cooking a dinner that someone might never eat. If you invite your friend to a dinner party but they have 3 other invitations on the same night and haven’t committed to which one they’ll attend, your pretty disheartened and are not going to put the same into that meal as you would if those guests are definitely coming and arriving at 8pm full of anticipation.
If you have an agency that produce results and you get on well with them, stick with them and you will get the best results as they get to understand your business and team requirements and you understand that they go the extra mile for a valued client.
If you are looking for IT Manager, or have another vacancy in your IT department, give us a call on 0844 8794523