I’ve just recently started working at 100% and so when it was decided that this week’s blog would be about first days, guess who got nominated!
100% have on average 5 new starters each Monday and an average of 6 on the 1st of each month or the closest Monday. That’s a lot of people terrified people and despite our best efforts to work with welcoming clients, it’s extremely hard to put people’s minds at rest.
I myself started here 2 weeks ago, on a Monday morning. “Come in at 10am” said Colin, which I think was for me to miss the traffic and have a relaxing journey. Well I can tell you Colin, it was not a relaxing journey and if anything it prolonged the agony! But 2 weeks down the line, I am very comfortable here and starting to get the hang of it! I’ve even been charged with writing a blog which can’t be bad.
The point that we wanted to raise though is that nobody likes first days and they are almost always daunting or overwhelming, and more often than not most people will ask themselves “have I done the wrong thing here”? The team here at 100% were discussing their feelings when they have started new jobs in the past – not necessarily here, and we’ve also been speaking to some of the candidates that we’ve placed over the last year. Here are some of the comments which came up time and time again.
These are such common feelings and emotions for us all. The important thing which again was agreed by all of us and most of our candidates, was that we need to give new jobs time! It will almost certainly be a difficult, sometimes horrible time – we are not programmed to enjoy change, and certainly not such massive times of change – new people, new job, strange building etc, but it only takes a week or two for things to become more familiar and for you to settle in.
The people that we spoke to that walked away from new positions, generally have regretted it, or with hindsight wished they’d stuck with it. It’s not easy getting that perfect job, so once you have, let yourself grow into it.
So if you can, take a deep breath and try to enjoy your new position and when those nagging doubts, nervousness and fears about change come into your head, just remember, you are not alone and it will be just fine!