What a nasty 5 or 6 years it’s been living in our economy – financial insecurity, worry all round and time for most of us to batten down the hatches and ride out the financial storm. It was far more
♪ “better the devil you know” ♪ than ♫”Chachacha Changes” ♫ or “Moving on Up”♪ and so if you were in a stable job, then that was probably where you stayed.
But Welcome to 2014, and economic growth, lower unemployment, more jobs, optimism!! Doesn’t it just feel a little less grey these days when you read your paper or watch the news. Ok, well not with conflicts in the Ukraine, Flooding and Coronation Street Actors, but I’m talking about the economy with headlines of 2 to 3 years ago – “Credit Crunch” progressing to Recession which then progressed to “Double Dip” being a thing of the past.
So, how does this affect you the job seeker? Is it time to dip your toe in the water? Are employers actually recruiting these days? Am I going to leave and immediately get made redundant?
Well we’ve been closely monitoring the job market (as you might expect, given what we do), and we have seen that in the last 3 months alone, our live vacancies from existing, but encouragingly from a significant amount of new clients too, is up by 41%.
We’ve suddenly started to see an increase in skilled and highly skilled IT Professionals entering the market. Take .net Developers – last year, a nightmare to find strong candidates with a good history and strong skills. They were out there of course, just not looking for new positions. Now, we’re filling .net roles with great candidates relatively easily. We’ve seen strong candidates coming to us from Senior, Stable positions moving on to new and exciting positions with a sense of freedom – not feeling held back by “ifs and buts” caused from a weak economy.
It might be tempting fate, but right now, the Consultants at 100% IT Recruitment are busier than they have ever been – another 6 jobs in on Friday, 4 jobs in yesterday and 1 so far at 9.40 on Tuesday Morning and it look set to continue throughout the year. As the Manager here, I seriously have to look at increasing the amount of job adverts I buy. A nice problem to have and one in which I felt that you as a ♫”should I stay or should I go” ♫ IT Professional, might find reassuring.
Right, it’s going to be a ♪”Manic Monday” ♪ I’m off to find you a new job – is your CV in my inbox yet?